“Us” Program
Original Stains / TANGOS
Intro Text *
The past clings to some like a long tail, chasing them everywhere, picturing their lives, like an ink stain that makes them different from the rest. In the singularity of those marks resides who they believe they are and how apart from the rest they should be.
But there is a type of individual equipped with an ingenious mind that soon enough understands that all ink stains, regardless of their shape, are made, after all, out of ink. They discover a lens that, after a while, reveals the commonality among stains, their shapes, their nature, which, like words on a page, end up writing the story of a creature that has more mirrors out there than they think…
Us … humans.
2. The Persistent Joy / ALEGRIAS
Intro Text
There are those who have gone even further and have embraced someone else’s past. Those, who have looked up at the tapestry of the sky, right there where the hours go to die, to encounter the same ironic answer: they are here to laugh too, because it’s only in the pendular movement of joy and inevitable pain that life shows its true colours.
Those mad enough even dare to weave stories about it… about the mad, persistent joy of life.
3. Daring Dreamers / ABANDOLAO
Intro Text
Stubborn as waves, these creatures fought and fought to build invisible bridges, made from the dark breath of the night…, the wind’s whistling, the sublime dissipation of an E minor, the melancholic slap of moonlight, the infinite kindness in a horse’s eye, the timeless silence preceding a kiss…
The bridges they built daily were made from tiny cosmic accidents, ready to be discovered only by their precise alchemical calculations… calculations of those capable of dreaming…
Daring dreamers, reminding the world of the only thing that truly belongs to them…
4. Beauty / GUAJIRAS
They were open to beauty, a monumental beauty that balanced out the chaos, a beauty that feeds the Kami in their endless dance of creation…
5. What We Stay Alive For / TARANTOS
Intro text
“…we don’t read, dance or write because it’s cute
we read, paint, create music because we are members of the human race
and the human race is filled with passion
medicine, law, business, engineering,
and these are noble pursuits, and necessary to sustain life
but poetry, dance, beauty, romance, pain, love, sadness
these are what we stay alive for…”
6. BAMBERA / Us!
Texts written by Chachy Peñalver, excluding the final text which has been inspired by some of the dialogues from the film Dead Poets Society.
The Sydney Flamenco Studio dancers: Sylvia García, Roxie Vuong, Mio Okawa, Sangueetha Ramanujam, José Vazquez, Linda Effendy, Belinda Wai-Yee Ho, Kelly O’Brien, Cassia Jurcevic, Yoriko Mizuno, Lillian Shaddick, Luz Uribe, Mayda Díaz, Melanie tu, Fleur Denny, Michelle Cervonaro, Rachael Melky, Xara Zaineddine and Daniel Lyas.
Zoe Velez (Singing)
Greg Alfonzetti (Guitar)
Byron Mark (Percussion and keyboard)
Facundo Vanerio (Guitar)
Jonathan Moller (Soundscape)
Melanie Tu (German / English), Greg Alfonzetti (Italian), Cassia Jurcevic (French), Mio Okawa (Japanese), Bianca Yassih (Arabic) and Chachy Peñalver (Spanish).
Chachy Peñalver
Jonathan Moller
Rachael Melky
Graphic Design
Melanie Tu
Il passato si aggrappa da alcuni come una coda lunga, inseguendoli ovunque, dipingendo le loro vite come una macchia di inchiostro che li rende diversi dal resto. Nella singolarità di quei segni, risiede chi si credono di essere e quanto a parte il resto dovrebbero essere.
Ma c'è un tipo di individuo, dotato di una mente ingegnosa, che abbastanza presto capisce che tutte le macchie di inchiostro, nonostante le loro forme, sono fatte, dopo tutto, di inchiostro. Scoprono una lente che, dopo un po', rivela la comunanza tra le macchie, le loro forme, la loro natura, che come parole su una pagina, finiscono per scrivere la storia di una creatura che ha più specchi la fuori di quanto pensi…… Noi…… Umani.
El pasado se aferra a algunos, como una cola que los persigue a todos lados. Coloreado sus vidas casi como una mancha de tinta que los hace diferentes al resto. La singularidad de esas marcas define quienes creen ser y lo muy alejados que están de los demás.
Pero hay un tipo de individuo, dotado de una mente maravillosa, que pronto entiende que todas las manchas de tinta, a pesar de su formas, están hechas tan solo de tinta, después de todo. Ellos descubren un lente que les revela lo universal entre todas las manchas, sus formas y colores, las cuales, como si fueran palabras van escribiendo la historia de esta criatura que tiene mas espejos allá afuera de lo el mismo imagina… Nosotros… los humanos.
Le passé s'accroche à certains comme une longue queue, les poursuivant partout, encadrant leur vie, comme une tâche d'encre qui les différencie des autres. Dans la singularité de ces marques se trouvent la personne qu'ils pensent être et la manière dont ils devraient se distinguer des autres.
Mais il existe un genre d'individus dotés d'un esprit ingénieux qui comprend très vite que toutes les tâches d'encre, quelle que soit leur forme, sont, au final, toutes faites d'encre. Ils découvrent un prisme qui, avec le temps, révèle le point commun entre toutes les tâches, leurs formes, leur nature; qui, comme des mots sur du papier, finissent par écrire l'histoire d'une créature détenant bien plus de facettes que ce qu'ils croient. Nous ... les humains.